It’s no secret I love a good designer find. I’ve been cruising the mall since I could walk but it wasn’t until I began working in retail that I became extra price sensitive, knowing the difference in quality and branding. My first retail gig was at Neiman Marcus Last Call, the outlet for high end department store Neiman Marcus. It was the early aughts and the merchandise that filled this outlet store all came directly from Neiman Marcus and Bergdorf Goodman. The whole store was a gold mine of designer apparel, shoes, and handbags! It was here that my true obsession for luxury fashion began… starting with a rose colored Marc Jacobs Venetia satchel bag (see below). To this day Neiman Marcus Last Call is still my go to find the best designer pieces at a fraction of the original retail. These days the 30 plus NM last call stores have dwindled to about 5 physical stores (Dallas has rand the merchandise selection is definitely hit or miss but if you have one in your area it’s worth the weekly hunt. Here’s 2 pieces I purchased from last call this week (both under $250!)

Proenza Schouler // Jersey Bustier Dress

The Row // Maritza dress (I’m wearing the tank layer underneath)